Organic Oleic Acid

We are one of the only few Organic Oleic Acid suppliers and we supply in bulk quantities. It is one of the healthier sources of fat. Fatty acids are the main components of food fats, oils and fat deposits.

Organic Oleic acid is used in bakery products as foods prepared with oleic acid will remain safe to eat for longer periods, even without refrigeration. Such foods include bakery goods such as breads, cakes, pies, etc.

Organic Oleic acid is also used as a cleaning agent in the manufacturing of soaps and detergents and skin cream as an emollient or softening agent like creams, lotions, lipsticks and other skin products. Organic oleic acid helps in keeping the skin soft and radiant. Organic oleic acid has anti aging properties and also helps in improving the hair growth.

Our company is Organic Certified with Oregon Tilth Organic certification Body With USDA NOP and Canada Equivalency.

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